Bookie Tax Vocabulary

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articles in Bookie Tax Vocabulary
Bank | balance: beginning and ending balance of the financial year
Annual Figures | Accrued revenue
Income Tax | Non-reimbursed healthcare expenses
Bank | Business accounts
Entrepreneurship | 1225 hour criterion and registration
KOR within the Bookie subscription
What is an investment?
Income tax | Debt: loan, student debt, etc.
The Bookie and the Tax Authorities
Income Tax | How much tax do I need to pay and when?
Changing bank account with the tax Authorities
VAT Tax: amount and deadline
What are the VIA and SBA authorizations and what do I do the letters from the Tax Office?
What makes up your equity?
Provisional Tax Assesment: activate, change or stop
VAT number and ID (OB nummer & BTW-ID)
Income Tax | What are assets?
Check VAT number of customer or seller
Sales products and inventory administration
Sole proprietorship in relation to Partnership
Travel agency regulation: points of attention when organizing trips
Special Postponement of Payment: Corona measurement
Income Tax Bracket 3: savings and investments
Income Tax Box 2: shares in a company
Income Tax Box 1, 2 and 3
Example VAT Tax Return
Belastingdienst | Wijzigingen doorgeven | (zonder) Digid & E-herkenning
Gross margin
Verkoop bedrijfsmiddelen: Boekwinst & Desinvesteringsbijtelling
Corporate tax: tax on the profits of B.V., N.V. and sometimes foundation
Consequences and preparation Brexit
Income Tax: tax brackets and rates
Requesting postponement income tax return
Not enough money for tax: income tax and turnover tax
Healthcare costs: which are deductible?
Vehicle | Exclusive business use car or van
Wat is a 'voorlopige aanslag' aka a provisional assessment?
Income Tax Box 1: taxable income
Authorizations Tax Authorities Bookie | Withdraw VIA and SBA
Authorizations Tax Authorities former accountant | Withdraw VIA and SBA
WOZ value owner-occupied home | why is this important for my tax?
Exempt from VAT | wat does it mean and what do I need to do?
Salaris | How do you pay partners within a VOF?
Tax interest
Keep profit low
Tax discount | KIA: what is covered by the investment deduction?
Crypto currency
Gross vs Net
Beconnumber The Bookie
Intra-Community supply or acquisition
What is a payroll tax return number and how do I get it?
Migration from abroad to The Netherlands
Log in Tax Authorities
Letter of intent for the establishment of a B.V.
Less income tax due by average of income
Deferral for payment of taxes
A financial year
Benefits: care, rent, childcare and childcare budget
Set up and maintain good administration
Tax Plan 2020
ZVW | Income-related contribution to the Healthcare Insurance Act
E-invoice to the Government
Fine by the Tax Authorities: for what and what now?
Almost no postponement for VAT Tax Return
Entrepreneurial discounts
Incorrect or no vat tax return