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VAT number and ID (OB nummer & BTW-ID)

What do I do with my VAT ID and OB number?

Most of us have already received them in the letterbox: your new VAT identification number (btw-ID) and your sales tax number (OB nummer). It looks fancy, but what has actually changed and what should you do with them?

Old and new VAT number in The Bookie Webapp

1. In the Bookie Webapp go to your Administration settings, top left under your company name.

2. If you click on Other company data (Overige Bedrijfsgegevens) under Company, you will see your current number automatically listed under Ob-number.

3. You can enter your new VAT number under Btw- ID as seen below. The BTW ID will automatically appear on your invoices.


by Mari Last update: 04 Aug, 2023