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Almost no postponement for VAT Tax Return

Can you or can I request a postponement for the quarterly declaration?

Despite the fact that the Tax Authorities have the option of requesting a postponement for the turnover tax return, the granting of this is virtually non-existent in practice. Do you still have an urgent situation? Then request a delay in writing yourself. Here's what the say:

Only in exceptional situations can you request a potponement for doing a VAT tax return. There must be a serious calamity though. Is that not the case? Then you must submit a declaration on time. Can you not submit the VAT return on time? Then you will receive a supplementary tax assessment from us.

Apply for a deferment of VAT return

Is there a serious calamity that prevents you from submitting the VAT return on time? Then request a written postponement from your tax office.

by Mari Last update: 19 Jul, 2019