VAT Return workflow

Btw-aangifte stappenplan

VAT | This is your the VAT return works

What should I do for the VAT return?

Like most freelancers, you probably have to file a turnover tax return (= VAT) per quarter. If you have a subscription with The Bookie, you don't have to submit it yourself, your Bookie will do that for you. You are, however, expected to send your invoices in time and upload forward your expenses (Plus subscription) or upload them yourself (Basic subscription).

  • Do you have a Plus subscription? Then we can always process your declaration and you don't have to do anything anymore.
  • With a Basic subscription, you always notify us before the 8th when your administration is complete.

Below we explain how to do that.

Sales invoices

By sending invoices from The Bookie Webapp, your income is automatically registered with your Sales. Therefore you do not have to do any extra for the VAT return.

Do you want to know how to send invoices or add sent invoices? Then read this article.


By forwarding your expenses (with a Plus subscription) or by entering your received receipts and invoices of your costs (Basic subscription) into your Expenses, all your business costs are in The Bookie Webapp.

Do you want to know how to add expenses? Then read this article.

Deadline reminders VAT declaration

To ensure that we make every VAT return on time, we remind you every quarter to update your administration. You will receive the first quarterly reminder a week before the end of the quarter. In any case, update your administration before the 8th of the first month of the new quarter, so that we have enough time to check your administration and submit the declaration.

The deadlines for updating your administration are: April 8, July 8, October 8 and January 8.

Not sure whether you have to enter a certain receipt or under which cost item an expense falls? Then give us a call.

Click on 'Updated' button

Have a Basic subscription? When you have updated your administration, press the Administration Updated button on your dashboard that appears after the relevant quarter. After you have clicked on Updated you can no longer add or remove anything to your records. We do this to prevent misunderstandings. Have you forgotten a receipt or invoice? Then you can add it to the next quarter. If your quarter is closed, it will automatically be placed in the new quarter, even if the date is on the receipt or invoice in an earlier quarter.

Check and declaration by your Bookie

We now check and correct your administration and submit your declaration. You will receive the VAT return with the amount that you have to pay, the payment reference and the final payment term in The Bookie Webapp. Based on your administration and corrections that we do, we may give you tips on how to prevent errors and benefit.

Bear in mind that the amount that you have to pay must always be received by the Tax Authorities before the end of the month.

Deadline not met

If you have not yet clicked on Updated on the 20th of the first month of the new quarter, then you are responsible for making  and filing your own VAT return. We expect you to send us a copy of the PDF of the tax rerturn zo we can add it to your file.

VAT Tax Return | understanding and paying

I have received/completed my VAT return, what do I do now?

As soon as your VAT return has been filed, you will receive a reminder from us with two to-do's: 1) check the VAT return in The Bookie Webapp and if applicable, transfer the VAT on time to the account number of the Tax and Customs Administration. If you have filed the tax return yourself, you can make the payment on the basis of the PDF that you receive.

What exactly do you have to do?

- When you open the PDF of your tax return, you will see a whole row of figures, which is the result of all the invoices and receipts you have entered. 

- At the top of your return under 'Company information', your payment reference is also always listed.

- At the bottom of your return, next to 'Payable value added tax' you will see what you have to pay this quarter, what you will receive or will see € 0,-.

- Beneath it says: 'The amount due must be credited to the account number of the Tax and Customs Administration by *date* at the latest, mentioning payment reference *16 digits*'. 

In this way we try to provide as clear as possible all the information you need to make the payment. Ultimately, as an entrepreneur you are always responsible for paying your returns on time.  Of course we don't have access to your bank account and we don't want that at all :)

How do I create a invoice?

  1. Click on the button +Invoice
  2. Fill out the fields
  3. Check your draft invoice
  4. Send

Op deze pagina:


Create and send an invoice in The Bookie Webapp with one click of a button. This way it is added to your administration as well. No fuss with difficult word files and different mails. And, do you send a similiar invoice more often? Easily create a duplicate and edit the copy.

Preparation before your first invoice

Fill out company information

If you fill out all the fields in The Bookie Webapp under Administration Settings, you won't miss any required information and The Webapp will automatically use your business information on the invoices you send. 

> Editing Administration and Company settings

Creating templates

To avoid having to format every invoice from scratch, create templates. With your own text, font, formatting and possibly your own logo.

> Creating a template for invoices

> Template for accompanying e-mail

A new invoice

You can create an invoice in two places.

  1. Click on the button + Invoice on your Dashboard
  2. Go to the left menu and select Sales, then click on the button + Invoice.

Now you have finished creating your template, all that is left to do is fill it out.


Select a client of create a new one. As soon as that has been done you fill out the necassary information. If you have not sent this client an invoice before fill out the address information as well by clicking 'edit'.

> Creating a new contact

Invoice number

While creating your invoices you also decide what type of numeration you want to use. If you use the invoice numbers from The Bookie the program will automatically count through. If you use your own numeration you need to fill this out manually. In both cases we always ask you to check if the numeration is logical and incremental.

Shifting VAT

Sometimes you don't charge VAT on your invoice, but you shift it to your client. To be able to do this you need your clients VAT-number.

> How do I shift VAT to my client?

Choose your type of VAT

There are three VAT rates. 21%, the high rate, is standard. The low 9% rate applies to some goods such as arts, food and certain services. Finally, there is the 0% rate which is applied only in exceptional situations (education, healthcare, therapy, KOR). Not sure which one to use? Then go for the highest at 21%. We will let you know if it's not correct.

> Which VAT percentage do I use?

Describe your service (and expenses) in the entry lines

The + Add Book Line button allows you to split or categorize the nature of your assignment or work. For example, if you have worked on a project for a number of days or weeks, you can record this on different lines, e.g. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday + the number of hours per day or weeks 10, 11 and 14 + the amounts per week. You can also note expenses incurred here, such as your mileage claim or production expenses advanced.

>Charging expenses on invoice

Sending your invoice

This is still a draft invoice. If you click further you can make it definitive and it will be added to your administration. This way the total amount will be added up to your revenue. Do you want to send your invoice? Click on "send".

>Sending an invoice

Related pages

  • Sending an existing invoice (again)
  • Editing a sent invoice
  • Uploading an existing invoice from another system
  • Uploading your own invoice
  • Registering cash sales or income from another system
  • Upload sales invoice from intermediate party (reversed billing)
  • Registering payment

How do I add an expense to my administration?

How do I add an expense to my administration and how do I upload a receipt of invoice?

Just like your income, you also add your expenses to your administration. Please read below which conditions your expense booking must meet according to De Belastingdienst (The Tax Authorities)
Do you want to know which expenses are considered business expenses? Then read this article.
Don't want to have to do any of this at all? Then take out a Plus subscription and have us do all of this for you!

Add receipt or invoice

When keeping digital records of your business administration, every expense must have proof of payment (excluding bank charges and insurance payments). This can be a digital invoice or a physical receipt. 
You can upload an invoice on your computer or in the cloud by searching or dragging it.








A paper receipt or invoice can be added to your administration through the Bookie Bonnen mobile app. This is directly linked to your administration in The Bookie Webapp. Do you want to know how to install and use it? Then read this article.

Booking number

De Belastingdienst wants you to have an expenses overview where the numbering is a continuing list of numbers. So make sure there are no gaps in your expenses overview. 


When adding an expense to your records, you always use the date stated on the receipt or invoice, not the payment date. Ideally, an administration should be chronological, so that the date of invoices increases with the numbering. If you happen to forget a receipt, don’t sweat it, just add it later in the quarter.

If you forgot to add an expense from an earlier quarter then add it to a later quarter. If it’s a large number of receipts then please contact your Bookie team.


Write the name of the supplier where you purchased the product or service. A name is sufficient.


If your receipt shows the amount including VAT and the VAT percentage on the receipt, you can tick the following button: amounts incl. VAT






Now simply add the full amount including VAT under Amount incl. Pro tip: check if you’ve chosen the correct VAT percentage. The Bookie Webapp will automatically record all amounts for you.

VAT Shifted

If you’ve purchased an item or service outside of the Netherlands you will often not see a VAT percentage on the receipt or it’s a different percentage then we use in The Netherlands. In that case select the correct VAT shifted option (within or without the EU) and add the total amount of the expense VAT included.







Example: a Adobe software subscription is billed from Adobe Ireland. When booking this expense, select VAT shifted within the EU and add the total amount of the subscription (including Irish VAT%) under ‘Amount’


Please write a short description of the purchased item or service.

Cost category

Please select a cost category for each service or product you are adding. After your first receipt, The Bookie Webapp automatically links the cost item to your Contact. Don’t worry too much about whether you’ve picked the correct category, your Bookie Team will check and correct this when processing your VAT Tax Return. Would you like to learn more about cost categories? Then read this article.
Want to avoid all of this all together? Take out a Plus subscription and have us do it for you!

Amount ex VAT / VAT percentage / Amount incl. VAT

We know you are smart enough to figure out what this means by yourselves ;-p


Of course, there are always exceptions. More info on that here. Or contact your Bookie Team.

What is The Bookie Drinks and when can I join?

The returning drinks from The Bookie are not only notorious, but especially helpful. Because every period we join forces as entrepreneurs. For example, we give you the possibility to enter update your administration here at the office together with your fellow Bosses, answer questions, prepare your administration for the VAT declaration and toast the quarterly victory with a drink!

> Stay informed via the Linkeding group: The Bookie Network.

On this page:

Why you should come
When you can come




Accounting from 3 pm to 7 pm

Didn’t you update your administration yet, do you have questions, are you stuck or do you believe in the power of shared responsibility? Update your period at The Bookie. It gives you the possibility to enter receipts (together) , update your administration in The Bookie App, ask your questions live and take a look at your business expenses.

For starting entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who want to understand the system better, we have a short workshop every quarter on the basics of accounting. Be welcome and sign up here.

  • Every quarter another theme workshop from 3 pm till 4 pm
  • Workshop Basic Accounting from 4 pm till 5 pm

Drinks from 5 pm to 7 pm

Victories should be celebrated. That is why you are most welcome to have a drink in order to let your VAT stress slip away from you. We are extremely proud of our crazy entrepreneurs who we would like to put in touch with each other. In addition to having fun, a good drink will often give you enough new work or cooperation partners!

Reasons to come to a Borrel Borrel

  • a fixed moment every period to update your administration

  • workshops for sole propiertorships, Limited and partnerships, from starter to long tim entrepreneur

  • time to ask questions

  • brainstorming about the endless possibilities of your business with other Bookie Bosses

  • have a drink at the Jaarbeursplein.

  • real-life flirting with your Bookie instead of online

So the drinks in 2024 on:

  • Friday March 29th 2024

  • Friday June 28th 2024

  • Friday September 27th 2024

  • (Q4 2024 = Friday January 3rd 2025)

See you the first Friday of the quarter!



P.S. Do you want to bring someone who is not yet a customer at The Bookie or are you interested in becoming a customer? Come along or take someone with you.

Vat overview

Where can I see how much VAT I have to pay?

How much VAT you have to pay over your income from the past quarter can be found in two places. On your dashboard in the box 'VAT quarter' or via the 'VAT returns' in the green bar on the left under 'reports'.

Both these overviews are a guideline. If you have a subscription, and you click on 'updated' in time, your Bookies will process your VAT return and they will check and correct all expenses for you. In the tax return report that we’ll mail you, you’ll find how much VAT you have to pay or maybe even get back.


VAT returns under Reports

Small business regulation (KOR last year 2019): what is it and does it apply to me?

Wat is de (oude) kleineondernemersregeling en hoe pas is die toe?

NOTA BENE Dit gaat over de KOR die van toepassing is tot en met 2019. Vanaf 2020 is een ander Kleineondernemersregelig van toepassing. Lees hier meer over de nieuwe KOR en hoe je je aanmeldt.

Op elke factuur die je stuurt, zit (tenzij je btw verlegd is) 0%, 9%* of 21% btw. De kleineondernemersregeling (KOR) is een regeling waardoor je geen of minder van die ontvangen btw aan de Belastingdienst hoeft te betalen.  Je kunt belastingvermindering krijgen op het btw-bedrag dat je moet betalen als je aan de volgende 4 voorwaarden voldoet:

  • je hebt een eenmanszaak of je onderneming is een samenwerkingsverband van natuurlijke personen, zoals een maatschap of een vennootschap onder firma.
  • je moet na aftrek van de voorbelasting minder dan € 1.883 btw betalen in een jaar.
  • je onderneming is in Nederland gevestigd.
  • je voldoet aan je administratieve verplichtingen voor de btw.

Tot € 1.345

Moet je in een jaar € 1.345 of minder btw betalen? Dan hoef je helemaal geen btw (meer) te betalen.

Van € 1.345 tot € 1.883

Moet je in een jaar meer dan € 1.345, maar minder dan € 1.883 btw betalen? Dan kan je in aanmerking komen voor belastingvermindering. 

The Bookie

Als je klant bij The Bookie hoef jij nergens aan te denken. Jij hoeft dit namelijk niet zelf toe te passen, je Bookie doet dit aan het eind van het jaar voor jou. Zie je rond november/december dat je rond die grens verkeert (onder je btw-overzichten in The Bookie Webapp: lees dit artikel)? En heb je hier vragen over? Neem dan contact op met je Bookie.