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Reversed billing

How do I add a Reverse Billing invoice?

With 'Reverse Billing', also called 'Self Billing' or 'Reverse Billing', your client sends you an invoice with the amount they have to pay you instead of you sending your client an invoice for your work. But how do you add such an invoice to your administration?

Since this is a purchase invoice (with a negative amount), enter it under your expenses.

Create a new expense and click the "Invoice contains revenue" check box.

The sales categories are now also visible under categories. Select the correct category and save the invoice.

Does the invoice also include sosts? For example, amounts withheld for commissions? You can add these under a new line.

N.B. The revenue amount you need to add as a negative number! This is an incoming invoice and the amount is owed to you!

Reverse Billing

by Gijs Rietveldt Last update: 06 May, 2024