What income and received VAT do I state on the quarterly return?
We generally submit your VAT return every quarter (or year). The subscription is also designed for that. In this declaration we note the VAT that you have charged to your customers and the VAT on your business costs (also called input tax).
Invoices in The Bookie Webapp
In principle, you make your invoices from The Bookie Webapp. You can read how to do this here. If you make your own invoices, you must of course upload them to The Bookie Webapp before the 8th of the new quarter, otherwise we will do the declaration for that quarter without that income and VAT, your administration in the app will not be complete.
Invoice date is leading
The date on the invoice counts for the VAT return. This means that, for example, you must declare and pay the VAT on an invoice that you sent in March with the first quarterly return in April. Regardless of whether the invoice has been paid. So if the invoice is paid later or still hasn't been paid, you still need to pay the VAT of this invoice to the tax authorities.