In an ideal situation you wouldn't have to deal with this. After all, you send an invoice with a payment term and your client pays within that term. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that a client does not pay (immediately).
The Bookie Webapp: status and overview
As soon as your payment term has expired, the invoice in The Bookie Webapp will turn red. In addition, you can click on Open on your Dashboard under Income and see at a glance which invoices are not yet registered as paid. What can you do if the invoice has not yet been paid?
Reminder, 2nd reminder and reminder
We always assume the goodwill of our customer: during a busy period the invoice has been overlooked or pushed into the background. Our advice is therefore to always send a reminder first.
Has your customer still not paid after the new payment term? Then you can choose to send a second reminder or a reminder. You can do that in the same way as the memory. Does your client not respond to this? Then call to be sure before you take the next step. This way you prevent misunderstandings and maintain a better customer relationship.
> Send reminders
Debt collection: agency and working method
It may be the case that despite repeated reminders and a telephone call, your client still does not pay. In that case, you can choose to outsource the matter to a collection partner. A collection agency is a company that tries to collect outstanding invoices on behalf of your company. You can pay this agency a percentage per invoice or subscribe. This collection agency provides your company with services for a fee, which you, as a creditor, recover from your client.
That is why your collection agency tries to collect this compensation in addition to the principal sum (the amount on the invoice).
Paid after all
In most cases, a direct debit will lead to payment of your invoice. This means that you can register the invoice as paid in The Bookie Webapp. Have you taken out a subscription and are the collection costs for you? Then you also register this extra income in The Bookie Webapp. Is this the case with you? Please call your Bookie and we will make additional adjustments to your personal environment.
Not paid: bad debt
Has your invoice still not been paid and are you sure that it will not be paid? Then it may be that there is an irrecoverable debt. Read here what requirements the tax authorities impose.
- If your customer does not pay the invoice or only partially pays it, your claim is (partially) uncollectible. You have therefore paid VAT incorrectly. You can reclaim this VAT from us as soon as it is certain that your claim is uncollectible.
- In any case, the claim will be considered uncollectible no later than 1 year after the final payment date that you have agreed with your customer.
Is there an invoice that is uncollectible because it complies with the rules of the Tax Authorities? Let your Bookies know, and we will adjust it in your administration and correct it.
Our partner, also for customers: Straetus
After an extensive search, The Bookie chose to work with Roy Bakker from Straetus in Utrecht. Roy is also happy to help you as an entrepreneur.