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Start: register at the Chamber of Commerce (KvK)

What do I need to do if I want to start working as a freelancer?

Register at KvK

You can register your business at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK, short for Kamer van Koophandel). Being a freelancer in The Netherlands means you're a ZZP'er. In general you will register as a sole proprietor, in the Netherlands better know as a 'Eenmanszaak'. There are other forms. When freelancers work together they might choose a VOF (general partnership).

Registering online

On the KvK website you can select and complete the eenmanszaak form. Forms are available in English. 

After completing your form is complete, you schedule an appointment at your local KvK via the appointment page(afspraak maken).

You will need to bring:

  • Your Valid ID (passport, Dutch driving licence or residence permit)
  • Your completed form
  • Your business address and contact details (including rental contract)

You will need to pay 50 euros. Once you are registered you will be given a KvK number and the VAT number also known as your btw-nummer. 

by Mari Last update: 28 Mar, 2023