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Quotation | Settings, templates and design

What should I do before sending my first quote?

Quotation requirements Invoices are an important part of your administration. We have used the rules of the Tax Authorities as a guideline for creating your personal quotation templates. If you fill in your Business Settings in The Bookie Webapp, you won't miss any mandatory information and The Webapp will automatically use your business information on the invoices you send.

Company information under Settings

Read here how you can provide your complete company settings in The Bookie Webapp.

Quotation settings and templates

Under your Quotations (in the left bar) you will also find your (Quotation) Settings, including the layout (templates) and the standard mail that you use when you send quotations to customers. Here you can adjust the font, your logo and the payment term and see an example of different draft quotations.

Do you have multiple trade names? Then you can now create your own template for each trade name. It is important that the data under your Administration settings is up-to-date, because it is used on your quotations, among other things.

Quotation email

If you send a quote from The Bookie Webapp, you can add standard emails, which you can later adjust per quote. Do you want to change the default emails? Read more here.

by Mari Last update: 28 Mar, 2023